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sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009
·"Paco Ibáñez Canta a Brassens" - Paco Ibáñez
Francisco "Paco" Ibáñez is a Spanish singer and musician born in Valencia on November 20, 1934, before the Spanish Civil War. He went to France in 1952 during the Franco dictatorship in Spain and recorded his first album in 1964. During the events in France of May 1968, he performed in the Sorbonne and became known as a rebel artist. He never composed his own lyrics, but used famous poems, like those of Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti or Miguel Hernández. He also sang compositions from Georges Brassens, and here's that mythic LP.
01- Saturno (Saturne) 02- Canción para un maño (Chanson pour l'Auvergnat) 03- La mala reputación (La mauvaise réputation) 04- Juan Lanas (Bonhomme) 05- Tengo una cita con usted (J´ai rendez-vous avec vous) 06- Por una muñeaca me hice chiquitín (Je me suis fait tout petit) 07- Pobre Martín (Pauvre Martin) 08- La bella y el manantial (Dans l´eau de la claire fontaine) 09- La pata de Juana (La cane de Jeanne) 10- El testamento (Le testament)
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